2022 Talk 2
Do you Love Me?
This is a video clip from the 1971 classical movie "Fiddler On the Roof." At 25 years of marriage, the husband is still asking his wife Golde, does she love him? Many of us will find the video very touching and re-assuring that despite the troubles and hardship the couple endured for a long time, love blossoms between them. This couple's marriage was pre-arranged by their parents through a match-maker, part of their cultural tradition. Love has to be learned along the way. Watch this very colorful video clip as part of our Talk No. 2 "The Joy of Loving My Spouse."
Talk 2: The Joy of Loving My Spouse
Bro Nic and Sis Anne, our Head Servants discuss the many ways of re-discovering our love for our spouse. You will learn great good tips and their personal experiences in the talk. Do you remember your Love Language? What are some of Pope Francis suggestions to enriching our marital life?